Forklift is a small industrial vehicle, having a power operated forked platform attached at the front that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a cargo to lift or move it. Forklifts serve the needs of various industries including warehouses and other large storage facilities.

Forklifts are powered by electric battery or combustion engines. Some Forklifts allow the operators to sit while driving and operating the machine while others require the operator to stand. It is being extensively used throughout the industry for transporting materials and goods.

Let’s discuss the key Components of Forklift, Forklift Mechanism, and its Applications in detail.

Key Components of Forklift You Need To Know

Forklift consists of variety of components required to handle the task effectively. From Truck Frame, power source to counterweight are essential for the forklift to function efficiently.

  1. Truck Frame

Truck Frame is the most vital component which forms the base of the machine. All of the key components of the forklift including wheels, counterweight and mast are attached to the truck frame.

  1. Counterweight

The Counterweight is a cast iron weight attached to the rear part of the forklift. The aim of the counterweight is to counter balance the load that is being lifted. On Electric Forklift, Counterweight is fixed to the lead-acid battery.

  1. Power Source

The forklift’s power source consists of an internal combustion engine. The engine can be fueled by LPG, CNG, diesel and natural gas. Electric Forklifts derive power from fuel cells or Lead Acid Batteries.

  1. Carriage

The carriage serves as the base to the forklift. The Carriage is fixed on mast rails so that it can be easily moved upward and downward.

  1. Mast

The Mast is a vertical part that lifts up and pushes down the loads. The Mast component consists of Interlocking Rails that offers horizontal control. Like Carriage, Mast may be equipped with rollers.

How a Forklift Works?

Forklifts derive their power from two entwining mechanisms:

  • A Pair Of Hydraulic Cylinders
  • A Pair Of Roller Chain Pulleys
  • Controls

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